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Friday, April 16, 2010

Eminem's "Recovery" Co-Producer Says Rapper "Was Open To Ideas"

Producer Jim Jonsin has unveiled more details about Eminem's forthcoming Recovery album.

Jonsin said the rapper was interested in experimenting during their studio session.

"He was open to ideas," Jonsin revealed in an interview. "He was real respectful to my craft. He let me do what I do. He asked me ideas on some of the lyrics. We had ideas for lyric changes. Certain words may or may not work on radio. We talked about that. He had a setup outside of the room to do production, but I'd rather be in the room where he was at, and he was cool with that. And I knocked out a couple of joints in there while he was in there with me. He was pretty open and he let me do my thing. He did his thing. It was a pretty good experience...We touched on something that I haven't done anything like that before.
Earlier this week, Em released a statement regarding the album's release.

"I had originally planned for Relapse 2 to come out last year," Eminem said via the statement. "But as I kept recording and working with new producers, the idea of a sequel to Relapse started to make less and less sense to me, and I wanted to make a completely new album. The music on 'Recovery' came out very different from 'Relapse,' and I think it deserves its own title."
He initially caught people off-guard by saying there would not be a Relapse 2 project via Twitter.

As promised, the rapper returned with a bombshell which hetweeted. However, instead of giving update on the status of the album, the legendary rapper threw fans for a loop when he tweeted "There is no Relapse 2." This latest development fuels online speculation that Eminem could be working on a new album that is not aimed to follow up his 2009 effort "Relapse."
The rapper previously teased fans by tweeting that he had a "big" announcement to make.

Just over a year ago, Eminem revealed his comeback plans with the announcement of two albums set for 2009, Relapse and Relapse 2. While Slim Shady delivered on Relapse, its follow-up was postponed from the second half of '09 to TBA 2010 to make way for his Relapse: Refill reissue late last year. However, Eminem made a rare appearance on Twitter yesterday (March 29) to give fans a message -- "Don't worry. Some big news is coming. Soon" -- perhaps hinting that there may finally be some movement on the Relapse 2 front.

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