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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Big Boi, Xzibit & Master P On Massive Oil Spill, "[Y'all] Won't Care Until The Price Of Shrimp Goes Sky High!"

Rappers Big Boi, Xzibit and Master P have stepped forward to share their thoughts on the recent Gulf Coast oil spill disaster and how much of an impact it could have on society.

Louisiana-based rap mogul Master P said he has noticed the fatal effect the spill had on animals.

"It's definitely something that's another tragedy for our community," Master P said in an interview. "[You] have to realize we have to prepare for this but, you never know when something like the oil spill will happen. It's out of control and it's killing the animals and the business people that do fishing in that area. People don't realize how this is it's going to effect the entire country."

West Coast rapper Xzibit shared a more critical reaction to the spill.

"disconnected people wont care about the #oilspill until the price of shrimp goes sky high!," he wrote over the weekend. "#sad but #true. ignorance is bliss."

Boi has even taken note of how long the spill has lasted.

"Gulf spill is likely worst environmental disaster in US history, Obama point person on environmental policy tells NBC's Meet the Press."

"Oil Spill Day 43 #f*ckaoilspill."

United States President Barack Obama has vouched to take action on finding out how the spill began.

"We have an obligation to investigate what went wrong and to determine what reforms are needed so that we never have to experience a crisis like this again,'' Obama said. "If the laws on our books are insufficient to prevent such a spill, the laws must change. If oversight was inadequate to enforce these laws, oversight has to be reformed. If our laws were broken, leading to this death and destruction, my solemn pledge is that we will bring those responsible to justice on behalf of the victims of this catastrophe and the people of the gulf region."

The spill began around the Gulf of Mexico in late April.

The Deepwater Horizon oil spill, also called the BP Oil Spill, the Gulf of Mexico oil spill or the Macondo blowout, is a massive ongoing oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, now considered the largest offshore spill in U.S. history. The spill stems from a sea floor oil gusher that started with an oil well blowout on April 20, 2010. The blowout caused a catastrophic explosion on the Deepwater Horizon offshore oil drilling platform that was situated about 40 miles (64 km) southeast of the Louisiana coast in the Macondo Prospect oil field. The explosion killed 11 platform workers and injured 17 others; another 98 people survived without serious physical injury.

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